Intuitive Eating Course Outline
Week 1
Discover together your core values and create a mantra as you walk through the course
Introduction in the Intuitive Eating Workbook
Week 2
Principle 1 : Reject the Diet Mentality
Week 3
Principle 2 : Honor Your Hunger
Week 4
Principle 3 : Make Peace with Food
Week 5
Principle 4 : Challenge the Food Police
Week 6
Principle 5 : Feel Your Fullness
Week 7
Principle 6 : Discover the Satisfaction Factor
Week 8
Principle 7: Cope with Your Feelings Without Using Food
Week 9
Principle 8 : Respect Your Body
Week 10
Principle 9: Exercise: Feel the Difference
Week 11
Principle 10: Honor Your Health: Gentle Nutrition
Week 12 :
Create a custom game plan moving forward
1. Dive deeper into IE principles
2. Create a custom plan for body change
3. One-on-one coaching
4. Weight Concerns