
Group Coaching
Brene Brown describes, "connection as our neurobiology. It's an energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship."
Group Coaching
General group coaching is safe space to come together with like-minded individuals looking to become their most authentic self. So often we've learned to cope, and our coping mechanism has proved itself normal. We have all the power to change our "normal" to the self we deeply desire to become. Create or join a group today, and receive simple, practical tools to shift from survival and chaos to balanced and calm. The best way to accomplish this is through community! To hear others' stories, to receive accountability, empathy and understanding from others walking in your shoes. Sign up today!
$825/per person/12 sessions
Intuitive Eating Course
The 12-week Introduction to Intuitive Eating course outline can be found here.
Price: $825/per person/12 weeks
The course is offered to 2-4 people per cohort to encourage discussion, connection, and sisterhood. Included in these sessions will be coaching by Jill with practical tools to implement.
Intuitive Eating Is:
a dynamic mind-body integration of instinct, emotion and rational thought.
a custom building process, rediscovering trust in our bodies
a supporter of Health At Every Size (HAES)
the safest eating approach, grounding us in our most authentic health
Intuitive Eating Is Not:
a diet
an eat all you want, whenever you want eating plan
a guilt, shame or judgement induced experience
Begin Your Journey
Schedule your FREE Consultation Call today to learn more about Group Coaching!
Looking for more information? Please use this form for other inquires for Jill as well, or send a message to the email address below: